AstryaTracker is an informational website aimed at raising awareness about the multitude of satellites orbiting above us, their utility and how they greatly benefit us on Earth, and the issue of space debris. Our mission is to provide accurate and up-to-date information on satellite orbits and space missions.
The AstryaTracker website is affiliated with the Spica Space Technologies association and is maintained by Mathieu Lavardin. The orbital data (TLE) is sourced from CelesTrak. Some of the mission information is obtained from eoPortal. This website also utilizes Cesium for 3D visualization.
Credits section :
We use images from the European Space Agency (ESA), and appropriate credits are given as follows:
- Photo: ©ESA
- Photo: ESA/Cluster
Satellite logo credit : Satellite icons created by Freepik - Flaticon